sabato 17 maggio 2008

The limoncello recipe from students of class 3 I

Below is found the video that students shut using their cell phone while they were showing the limoncello preparation. This after dinner drink was born in Campania region and three towns claim its birth : Amalfi , Capri and Sorrento. It is now being made also at home where there is abundance of lemons and whose recipe has been passed on by home makers . It is an aromatic delicious digestive appreciated by tourists, too!

The label for the limoncello that student Laino Michele made

Students have thought of making some limoncello for the Comenius partners who will meet at La Spezia in May.

Here is their recipe:

5-6 lemons (organic)
1 litre of grain alcohol
1 litre of water
300 gr. of sugar (more sugar if you wanted sweeter)

Utensils: glass jar, bowl, small kook's knife, strainer, wisker, bottle, pot
Wash lemons carefully and then peel them very finely making sure to leave the white part; put the lemons peel into the glass jar with the alcohol; close it ermetically and leave in infusion for 15 days or more keeping it in a dark place; take a pot where you will pour the water where it will be added the sugar to make the syrup; let the sugar melt over a low flame being careful not to bring it to the boiling point; let it rest until it is cold; take the alcohool with the lemon peels and pour it into the bowl with the syrup; mix it using a wisker; strain it to be sure not to leave any solid part ; bottle the limoncello and keep it in the fridge before servig it!!
Anyway there are many variations of this after dinner drink according to peoples' taste : stronger or weaker (adding more or less water) but if you want a more flavoursome limoncello you have to leave it in infusion for more days and use good lemons!!

1 commento:

Franck ha detto...

I tried it yesterday evening ! It's really good. Franck