lunedì 31 marzo 2008

The dishes of the theme evening

We proposed four dishes of our partners' menu created in 2007. It was a real success!!! They were presented by the cooking teacher Domenico Guarino to the guests of our gala dinner for the Pizza Torneo and the headmaster in his interview about the Pizza Stage- Torneo released to tele A1 explained why we included the dishes in our dinner menu of the Pizza Torneo.

Among our special guests there were the Provveditore agli Studi di Cosenza , the headmasters of the high schools of The Alto Jonio Cosentino, the major, the press, the school staff, the four partecipatinmg schools with headmaster, referent teachers, students.
The dishes included in the menu were the paella, the salmon, lasagne portofino, the poires and courgettes. We also handed an evaluation card for the dishes and what they appreciated the most was the salmon!

Here are some photos ( from top to bottom) : the menu, the evaluation card handed to our guests, lasagne Portofino, the salmon, the poires and courgettes, the paella, the students that served with the service teachers, the preparation phase of the dishes.

Here is the link to youtube where you can vision the interview to my headmaster made by a local TV tele A1 where he speaks of the etwinning torneo but also of Comenius project!!
You can read about Comenius also on the following sites.

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